Dr. Sam Lam - Lam Facial Plastics, Plano, TX


Dr. Sam Lam - Lam Facial Plastics, Plano, TX

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

MesoTox Dallas

Conveniently located to serve Dallas, Frisco and Plano, TX

MesoTox, also known as MesoBotox, or MicroBotox/MicroTox, is a technique where hyperdilute Botox is injected superficially into the skin in high volumes with close spacing that leads to favorable skin changes to improve texture, tone, pores, skin discoloration, active acne, acne scarring, scarring, and other elements of skin rejuvenation. The results are relatively “permanent” in many regards minus further hormonal, sun, and aging damages that can lead to relapse or need for further treatment. The results are also additive in that multiple treatments can lead to ongoing improvements in desired results. Changes can take 1-2 months to be fully apparent unlike regular upper face Botox that uses concentrated doses for wrinkle improvements which can be visible in days and typically only lasts a few months. Dr. Lam has truly pioneered his technique through double-blinded, split-face evaluations to achieve optimal dosing. He now introduces his third-generation formula known as SuperTox.

The term “MesoTox” is a combination of two words “mesotherapy” and “Botox”. Mesotherapy describes the French technique over a hundred years old of injecting nutritional vitamins of differing formulations to improve skin quality. Dr. Lam’s MesoTox combines the concepts of traditional mesotherapy with the power and potency of Botox to achieve much more impressive skin changes that what simple vitamin injections can attain.

See more MesoTox Videos

Key Benefits:

  1. MesoTox has a wide-ranging number of benefits for the skin including, as mentioned above, improvements in pores, texture, tone, discoloration, quality of skin, scarring, active acne, etc.
  2. Dr. Lam truly believes the safety and significance of the results surpass all current technologies including microneedle, radiofrequency, ablative lasers, non-ablative lasers, chemical peels, etc., when it comes to these conditions.
  3. The treatment can be performed as an office-based treatment or at the same time as some surgeries like blepharoplasty, hair transplant, and fat grafting but not during a facelift, as Dr. Lam will explain to you during a consultation with him.
  4. MesoTox is safe in all skin types from a Fitzpatrick 1 (Irish skin) all the way to a Fitzpatrick 6 (dark black skin) with really no risk. There should not be a risk of hyper- or hypopigmentation (darker or lighter skin), which should be contrasted against laser and chemical peel treatments that have these risks in individuals above a Fitzpatrick 2 (Nordic).
  5. There is no real risk of performing this procedure during any season, including the summer time, that is, there is no risk of immediate sun exposure, again unlike lasers and peels.
  6. The treatment truly provides very long-term and, in some cases, like scar corrections, a permanent correction of the problem.
  7. Typically, there is a very short downtime following the procedure, especially with Dr. Lam’s newer “SuperTox” formulations that can shrink minor bruising from 1-2 weeks down to a few days.
  8. MesoTox also provides excellent balance to the other sun-exposed areas like the lower two-thirds of the face, neck/chest, and hands, especially after consistent and long-term upper face Botox that can make the upper face unnaturally too perfect and not match other sun-exposed areas.
  9. The neck/chest/hand areas are typically more at risk for scarring from lasers and peels due to lack of sebaceous glands needed to make lasers and peels safe in these areas. MesoTox offers a safe solution to treat these areas in all skin types without the risk of unwanted pigmentation changes (darkening/lightening) and scarring.
  10. Areas of hyperhydrosis (too much sweating) like the forehead, nose, and cheeks can also be treated to help with reducing excess sweating very safely. The formula is the same as MesoTox, so you will receive both the benefits of reducing excessive sweating and also skin quality improvement. For those with a normal degree of sweating, you will not experience any dry skin though in case you were concerned.

Treatment Areas

The most commonly treated area for Dr. Lam is the lower two-thirds of the face where he can help make these areas more balanced to the upper face where conventional Botox treatments help both the skin quality and the wrinkles. Please see Botox page to understand those concepts more in detail.

Another area that Dr. Lam treats includes the forehead, that is, the rest of the face. He performs forehead MesoTox in individuals who do not do regular Botox for wrinkles and/or who would like extra improvement in scarring, texture, or sweating in these areas.

Dr. Lam also uses MesoTox in sun-damaged areas like the neck/chest/hands to improve the sun-damaged areas.

He will also treat other areas like the stomach or abdominal area where there may be stretchmarks that you want corrected.

Anywhere on the body or face that has scarring or textural problems you want improved. Since MesoTox is dilute, there is no risk of toxicity even when multiple areas are treated. However, numbing cream can be safely applied to only a certain number of areas during a session, like face + neck + chest + hands to minimize risk of toxicity from the numbing cream.

Ideal Candidate

The ideal candidate is very broadly diverse and includes an individual of any age, either gender, of any skin type with any of the list of problems mentioned above including texture, pores, tone, skin discoloration, quality of skin, active acne, acne scarring, scarring, stretchmarks, or hyperhydrosis (too much sweating). The exception is that excessive sweating in the hands and feet are undertaken with a unique method that Dr. Lam invented and is patent-pending that does not require injection into the palms of the hand or soles of the feet.

MesoTox does have its limitations in its treatment scope. MesoTox does not manage wrinkles well. That requires conventional Botox for the upper face or specialized fillers that fill in smile lines that run down the face or that surround the mouth. Further, for very advanced lines around the mouth or textural problems, Dr. Lam may need to use mechanical dermabrasion, radiofrequency microneedle, ablative lasers like fractional CO2, and/or MesoTox to achieve the desired results. He will counsel you on these limitations and strategic methods to achieve your goals.

Surgery/Treatment Process

There is no pretreatment process that is required prior to coming into the office. When you enter the treatment room, Dr. Lam’s staff will clean the skin and prepare it with numbing cream for proper anesthesia for a period of approximately 45 minutes to make the treatment less uncomfortable. Then the cream is wiped off, and Dr. Lam will then personally inject the MesoTox himself. If you are planning to have fillers/dynamic fillers to be performed at the same time, he always performs the fillers first because MesoTox will distort the skin making filler injections inaccurate, then he will inject the MesoTox, and then at the end of the treatment session he will inject regular Botox.

Currently, he offers two types of MesoTox formulations but he is always refining and improving his original formulations. The two formulas he uses are MesoTox and SuperTox. MesoTox offers the advantage of slightly less burning sensation than SuperTox but can have bruising linger for longer than SuperTox. SuperTox has slightly more burning sensation that lingers for approximately 5 minutes after the injection then fades but offers two distinct advantages: a very short bruising time and also improved changes to skin discoloration like melasma, freckles, and other brown discolorations. He will usually start with SuperTox unless you have a lower pain threshold and adjust to MesoTox if you find the discomfort with SuperTox undesirable. If he is performing SuperTox when you are having a surgical procedure, he uses what he calls SuperTox+ that has even stronger color correction and anti-bruising properties but that is too uncomfortable to be performed awake.

Unlike regular Botox, where you are not allowed to lie down, rub your forehead, or exercise the same day, there are no restrictions in activity with MesoTox/SuperTox. You can typically apply makeup again after a couple of hours as needed. You can also resume sun exposure that day as well. However, if regular Botox is performed at the same time, then those restrictions mentioned above will apply and supersede the stated limitations of MesoTox.

Recovery Timeline

With MesoTox, the bruising may last 1-2 weeks with small punctate discolorations and in rare cases even longer, and at times shorter depending on the individual. Dr. Lam recommends purchase of a heavy makeup product on Amazon called Dermacoll to help with covering any small bruises during the healing process if you should so desire.

With SuperTox, the bruising time is usually quite short between 1-4 days with relatively quick absorption. Of course, there is a variability with every individual and you can have a longer bruising period potentially.

Risks and Side Effects

There really are no side effects with these treatments other than bruising. Since his first-generation product, he is no longer seeing any unwanted short-term compromise in smiling, that is, partial paralysis of the face. MesoTox and SuperTox are one of the safest things he performs with little to no side effects that he can think of. This stands in contrast to regular Botox in which you may not like the exact result of being too frozen, not frozen enough, brows are too high or too low, etc. Of course, these risks with regular Botox are not that common, usually can be fixed (not always), and fades over a few weeks to months.

Pricing and Financing

Pricing for MesoTox is higher than regular Botox and is dependent on what areas are treated, for example, cheeks, mouth, forehead, neck, chest, hands, etc. There is also a slight surcharge for the SuperTox treatment. Dr. Lam will explain to you the different pricing options when you come in for consultation. Unlike regular Botox for wrinkles, MesoTox does not have a scheduled interval since it usually lasts a very long time and sometimes can be considered permanent.



When Dr. Lam talks about a “balanced” facial skin result, what does he mean exactly?

A lot of patients run back to the doctor because they are seeing some early wrinkles return and think they need more Botox. However, what they may miss is that their forehead skin looks near flawless in terms of color, pores, texture, tone, etc. The reason is that regular Botox not only addresses the wrinkles but also makes the skin improved simultaneously. With quality Botox treatments, the forehead skin heals very quickly. The problem is that if you have moderate sun damage of your lower face the forehead will look relatively too perfect and will not match the skin of the lower two-thirds of the face. Accordingly, in order to address this imbalance, Dr. Lam will recommend MesoTox to help improve the skin quality of the lower two-thirds of the face to match the upper third of the face where Botox was performed.

Does MesoTox manage wrinkles?

Not really. You need regular Botox and dynamic fillers to help managed wrinkles. As mentioned, at times, Dr. Lam will need radiofrequency microneedle, fractionated CO2 laser (Fraxel), and/or mechanical dermabrasion (not to be confused with microdermabrasion) to further improve the skin quality and wrinkles, especially around the mouth.

Will MesoTox in my neck help to lift it?

Even though MesoTox is amazingly good for the neck and chest area, the decolletage, which is exposed to sun damage, it does not actually lift the neck unlike what a facelift would do. Instead, it works on crepey skin, texture, pores, tone, and discoloration of the neck.

How long will it take for me to see my results?

You may see improvement as early as 2 to 3 weeks but ideally the skin truly is transformative between 1 to 2 months following a particular treatment.

How often should I perform MesoTox? What is the recommended time interval?

Unlike regular upper-face Botox that usually requires a regular interval to begin with (see that page), MesoTox in most cases is permanent, especially in terms of scars, texture, pores, tone, of course, minus further aging, hormones, and sun influences. Unlike Botox for wrinkles, MesoTox takes up to two months to see the results. Accordingly, for most individuals that want to see what they paid for in the last round, you can wait a minimum of two months or longer to perform the next treatment session. However, if you are shooting for an important date coming up like a wedding or reunion, you can come in every month to perform sequential treatments even before you see the full effect in preparation for the event planning to stop treatments 1 to 2 months prior to the event. The interval, in short, is not really relevant. You can come in at any interval your budget, recovery, and desire dictate. Further, if you have a severe condition like severe acne scarring, you can elect to come in every month to speed up the time to achieve the desired result.

What if I do MesoTox on my entire face, do I still need to do regular Botox for my upper face?

If you are trying to improve wrinkles of the upper face, then you still need to do regular Botox for wrinkles, since MesoTox will not address upper face wrinkles. In most cases, Dr. Lam’s patients perform upper face Botox for wrinkles and lower face MesoTox. In less common cases, Dr. Lam will also use MesoTox of the forehead in conjunction with upper face Botox for wrinkles in the following cases: desire for correction of acne scarring and/or hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating) at the same time wrinkle reduction is desired.

SuperTox is supposed to fix discolorations better than MesoTox. Tell me more about that.

MesoTox can also work on improving discolorations to the skin but it takes longer than SuperTox. What SuperTox can achieve usually in a single session will take 3 to 4 sessions of MesoTox to achieve the same level of improvement. Usually, the type of discoloration improvement refers to brown discoloration like melasma, freckles, and other types of brown discoloration. The longevity of treating brown-colored areas of the skin has a lot to do with ongoing sun exposure and hormonal influences. Unlike scar tissue and perhaps pores, long-term discoloration management may be shorter-lived based on these other external influences.

I have rosacea, will MesoTox or SuperTox make a difference? Should I do SuperTox instead?

MesoTox and SuperTox both address rosacea with the same degree of efficacy. There is no difference between these two formulations when it comes to treating rosacea more effectively. However, rosacea management may take 3 to 5 rounds before you see a difference since it takes longer to achieve those results. If you want a faster result, you may consider Dr. Lam’s treatment with KTP laser, which is a non-ablative laser (does not burn the skin and has minimal to no downtime) for rosacea treatment. The combination of KTP and MesoTox/SuperTox can be more effective both in terms of the degree of resolution of the rosacea as well as the longevity. Like brown discolorations, the longevity of the result for rosacea may be compromised based on sun and hormonal influences.

Does MesoTox work on the fine lines under my eyes?

Not entirely that well. Using regular Botox for wrinkles placed under the eyes is more effective. If you want that treatment with regular Botox, you need to remind Dr. Lam at the time of the treatment because he does not routinely inject Botox there. Unless you have dry eyes or lower eyelid retraction from bad prior blepharoplasty (which Dr. Lam has never seen with his technique for blepharoplasty), then you should be safe to be treated with Botox in this area directly under the eyes.

How does MesoTox really work on skin texture?

The mechanism for MesoTox to improve skin quality is not entirely clear but the results are near certain. Double-blind, placebo-controlled, split scar studies have supported the remarkable results for skin and scar quality. Dr. Lam has been performing this procedure now for a decade and has seen consistently high-quality results in skin and scar improvement.

If I have acne scarring, how many times do I need to do it to see a good result? Do I need to combine this treatment with other methods?

This is a tough question because it depends on the type and severity of the scarring that would determine the degree of the results and the speed to attain those results. Usually within a few treatments, there should be a noticeable improvement in skin quality. As mentioned, it takes 1-2 months to see the results after one session, but Dr. Lam recommends monthly treatments even before the full result is evident in order to speed up the results if you are open to doing the next session even before the full result of the prior session is evident. Of note, SuperTox sometimes can show a result a bit faster at 1 month than standard MesoTox. For deeper acne scars, Dr. Lam routinely combines microsilicone injections with MesoTox, which he can actually perform at the same time. For more information about acne scarring correction, please watch his video on acne scarring.

Does MesoTox really work on stretch marks and scars? What kind of scars?

Yes, MesoTox works quite well on stretch marks, atrophic scars, discolored scars, surgical scars, hypertrophic scars, and even keloid scars. With truly enlarged keloid scars, surgical excision, radiation, and other types of injection like 5-fluorouracil/steroid may be needed to truly attain the result you are wanting.

Is MesoTox good for men?

Actually, sometimes MesoTox may be more powerful for men than even regular Botox for wrinkles. The reason is that men sometimes look good with some wrinkles still intact but almost always look better with healthier-looking skin.

Related Procedures

  • MesoBotox works really well when combined with regular Botox of the upper face for wrinkles. Typically, Dr. Lam performs MesoBotox with Botox to achieve a global and balanced rejuvenation of the face. He may also extend the MesoBotox to the neck and chest area to further improve overall skin rejuvenation in all sun-damaged areas.
  • Dynamic and static fillers can manage advanced lines that extend down the face and work in complement with MesoTox, which can address almost all aspects of skin rejuvenation except wrinkles and lines. This combination works very well, especially when performed with regular Botox of the upper face.
  • Injectable fillers for volume restoration can also be easily combined with MesoTox, which Dr. Lam routinely performs for a patient the same day.
  • MesoBotox can also be used at the same time as certain surgeries like blepharoplasty, fat grafting, hair transplant, and rhinoplasty when you are asleep and feel little to no discomfort and you can combine the recovery time with these surgical procedures. Dr. Lam also performs SuperTox+, which is too uncomfortable to be performed when awake. SuperTox+ further enhances improvement in discoloration and also further reduces the risk and extent of bruising.

I highly recommend Dr. Lam. He is a perfectionist and took the time to listen to my concerns and explain the procedure in detail. His staff has always been warm and welcoming from the day of my consultation, throughout the procedure and follow up appointments. I am very happy with the results of my procedure! Thank you Dr. Lam!



MesoTox Results Dallas
MesoTox Results Dallas
MesoTox Results Dallas
MesoTox Results Dallas
MesoTox Results Dallas
MesoTox Results Dallas
MesoTox Results Dallas
MesoTox Results Dallas
MesoTox Results Dallas
MesoTox Results Dallas
MesoTox Results Dallas
MesoTox Results Dallas
MesoTox Results Dallas
MesoTox Results Dallas
MesoTox Results Dallas
MesoTox Results Dallas
MesoTox Results Dallas
For more photos on MesoTox, please click here

Dr. Lam’s unique and revolutionary MesoTox/SuperTox truly works well for safe, effective, long-term skin rejuvenation in all skin types and is easily combined with other procedures for optimal results. Call 972-312-8188 to schedule your procedure with Dr. Lam or email us at We look forward to take care of you.

Your Cosmetic Surgery Procedures will be performed by Dr. Lam's surgery center located in Dallas, Frisco and Plano, TX.