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Injectable fillers have truly permitted amazing facial rejuvenation for individuals who would formerly need to undergo surgery. Dr. Lam uses all-natural hyaluronic acid products that are reversible and with repeated treatments can last years. Fillers can be injected in various areas to remedy any aesthetic issues. Here are some of the most common areas.
Deep 11 (Brow)
The deep 11 area, which constitute the frown lines between the eyes, has oftentimes been thought to be a good area to be targeted with fillers. Dr. Lam believes this area is not a safe area for injection, as there are many complications by doing so including blindness and necrosis, two very devastating risks that he is not willing to take. Unfortunately, many inexperienced injectors simply do not know any better and want to undertake fillers in this highly risky area. Further, the reason why there are 11’s in this area is due to repeated motion of the frowning, which is not alleviated with fillers. If the cause is motion (which it is), the Botox is the trick. People do not understand that Botox is not a 3-month fix. It is meant to break the habit of frowning and actually heal the tissues so that over time the collagen naturally fills in the lines. Dr. Lam has noticed that individuals with deep lines will have these lines almost melt away after a year of consistent Botox where over time they simply do not need much anymore on a consistent basis and even years down the road can look better in many cases.
Mandible Jaw Filler (Jawlines)
Mandible jaw fillers can provide a balanced result to the face. Jaw fillers are used for various reasons. First, an aging face will show a shortened mandible where the border near the ear disappears, so building this area can provide a very youthful attractive look. Also, if there is a more prominent jowl and the patient does not want a facelift, sometimes it is important to fill not only in front of the jowl but also behind the jowl (the post-jowl) to attain a smoother jawline and to mask or camouflage the jowl. Another indication would be in the male patient who wants a stronger more masculine shape. The key with good mandible filling is always to look from the frontal view while building the side view. Too often the outer jawline is filled with disregard to the frontal view and the face looks excessively wide. For men who want a squarer jawline, that would be acceptable but for women who are looking to look thinner or younger, this would be a major problem. Making sure that both the frontal and side views look good is important but the frontal view always takes a priority.
Tear Trough (Under Eye)
Tear trough or under eye fillers is a specialty of Dr. Lam where fillers are naturally filled with minimal pain and optimal safety using micro cannulas. Some patients over time may show some visibility of product that may need to be reversed due to the fact at times the fillers can aggregate. This is why Dr. Lam is now a bigger fan of performing a combination of fat transfer and possible no-incision eyebag removal but he will counsel you on what would be the preferred option when performing lower-eyelid rejuvenation.
Temple Fillers
The temple ages by losing volume making the head look “cadaveric” or bony in nature. Also the thinning of the upper face combined with weight gain of the lower face can exaggerate the lower facial volume in relative proportion. The art of a temple fill is always to look from the frontal view to ensure that the temple does not look too wide after filling. Also, to be conservative in cost Dr. Lam may fill only select areas of the temple because the temple may take several syringes to fill it to optimal levels. One way that Dr. Lam does this is to fill the so-called conjoined tendon, which is essentially the juncture between the temple and the forehead where a visible rounded line is apparent. By softening this line, he is able to make the temple hollow less visible all the while conserving the amount of filler used. Further, sometimes you will notice volume loss in the temple that actually falls within the hair-bearing area, i.e., behind the hairline. Even though hair is covering this part of the temple, you can see a scalloped depression that looks like aging. At times Dr. Lam will counsel you on the benefits of temple fill even when it lies outside of the face. Using delicate micrcannulas truly reduces discomfort and bruising and optimizes safety.
Nasolabial Fold (Smile Lines)
The nasolabial fold in Dr. Lam’s opinion has been a focus of too much concern since there are oftentimes other areas of higher aesthetic priority. Nevertheless, sometimes the fold or groove will will merit attention. That is part of the aesthetic judgment that Dr. Lam renders when deciding whom to fill, where to fill, and how much to fill. For example, the other third of the fold, also known as the canine fossa can be an important area to fill since by filling it it can change the way that you read the entire fold itself. Oftentimes Dr. Lam performs fillers in this area to help make the entire fold appear better. In his opinion this area is near very sensitive blood vessels and is far more safely filled with a microcannula instead of a needle, which unfortunately most physicians do not know how to fill in this manner. The second prior of the nasolabial fold is oftentimes the lower third of the fold, especially where deeper creases form here. Most oftentimes a needle (which is far safer in this location) is necessary because the superficial tissues are involved, which a cannula is less suited for. Dr. Lam is an expert at improving the nasolabial folds in a way that is balanced, natural, and relatively painless all the while counseling you on how to prioritize your financial resources and not just wasting money in areas of low importance.
Schedule a Consultation
Dr. Lam is a highly skilled and experienced facial aesthetic expert who specializes in filler injections. Recognized as one of the best aestheticians in Dallas, Dr. Lam is dedicated to providing the best results Dallas has to offer. Contact the us today to schedule a consultation for your filler treatment.
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