Dr. Sam Lam - Lam Facial Plastics, Plano, TX


Dr. Sam Lam - Lam Facial Plastics, Plano, TX

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"


Procedures performed by facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sam Lam in Dallas, Frisco and Plano, TX.



This 36-year-old man underwent both silicone micro injections and MesoBotox injections to permanently improve his acne scarring.  Photos are shown two years apart.


This 68-year-old African-American woman is shown before and one month after an upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty, full face fat transfer, upper lip lift and lower lip advancement and six months after one round of SuperTox.


This 33-year-old woman underwent four treatments of MesoTox to treat both her acne and her acne scarring. Dr. Lam does the opposite of most physicians who believe that normal skin should be sanded down to the abnormal skin. Instead he elevates the abnormal skin to the normal skin for safer and better results in all skin types from white to black. Although hormonal acne results can be very long lasting, after a few rounds, he has noticed that acne scarring correction, in most cases, can be permanent in nature with his treatments, all without that risk or long downtime. This patient has only done four rounds of MesoTox and with additional treatments as well as possibly micro silicone injections she could have an ongoing improvement. The end result that Dr. Lam is seeking is skin that looks almost undetectable from a social distance for acne scarring. Of course, it is never perfect just dramatically improved.


Two rounds of MesoTox to permanently correct acne scarring with no risks to any skin types from light to dark skin. This technique of Dr. Lam’s does not paralyze the face and takes 6-8 weeks to see the result. The skin will continue to improve with repeated dosing with long-term sustainable outcomes. This technique is not ideal for deep acne scarring which is better treated with micro silicone injections.


This 26-year-old female suffers from mild acne, discoloration, enlarged pores, and uneven texture. She is shown before and one month after one initial treatment of MesoBotox with some early improvement. With repeated dosing, she should have ongoing improvement that should last in many cases years. She was recently at a wedding over the weekend where most people commented how great her skin looked.


This 58-year-old smoker gives her testimonial after multiple skin therapies that Dr. Lam performed for her including RF microneedle, Botox, MesoBotox, and fillers.


This 46-year-old is shown before and five months after two rounds of Botox, MesoBotox for the face, and dynamic fillers to manage his advanced wrinkles. He was given no fillers for volume and no surgical procedures except for a hair transplant in 2020 to fix a prior bad result. He’s also shown with three sequential photographs in 2020 where he looked much younger with volume loss shown in 2022, and then five months later today with the few rounds of treatments mentioned and the improvement. Watch the short video narrations of the power of revolutionary skin therapies with no lasers and no traditional fillers adding unnecessary volume to the face. This molecular healing of the skin has actually caused a skin contraction and restructuring that should in many cases last years.



This 23-year-old woman is shown before and 6 months after a third treatment with MesoBotox, which has radically reduced her cystic acne. This novel treatment Dr. Lam created has helped significantly in improving her social and professional life.
#mesobotox #acnebotox #botoxacne #acnecontrol #acnescars


This 65-year-old patient is shown before and 16 months after an upper blepharoplasty along with two rounds of MesoBotox for skin quality and three rounds of fillers and Botox for advanced facial wrinkles. Ideally, surgical options like fat grafting around the eyes and a face and neck lift would provide complete rejuvenation but the patient is satisfied with these minor improvements for now.



This 52-year-old woman is shown before and after using Dr. Lam’s BriteNow product to clean the skin color for 2 months and after one round of MesoBotox and one round of MesoHyaluronic Acid and her neck and chest look like a 30-year-old’s!


This patient of Dr. Lam gives her testimonial two weeks after a treatment with Botox, dynamic fillers for facial wrinkles when smiling, and MesoBotox for a change in skin quality and texture.



This 49-year-old patient is shown before and 1 month after MesoBotox treatment for wrinkles and texture and also using BriteNow to clean up the coffee-stained color of the skin.



This woman had a long-standing red scar over her right eyebrow that failed multiple types of therapy. The red scar has virtually disappeared with one dose of MesoBotox into the scar.



This woman is shown before and 3 months after a single session of Mesobotox to manage breast and chest wrinkles. It is advised to perform this procedure every 4-6 months and possibly to integrate a regimen of radiofrequency microneedle and photofacials for optimal outcomes.
#boobtox #botox #mesobotox #microbotox #botoxdallas



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MesoBotox can help treat facial and neck wrinkles.



Revolutionary MesoBotox for full facial, neck, chest, shoulders, and breast wrinkles, pores, and texture!



This patient had Botox into the neck using a technique known as mesoBotox to improve the lines, wrinkles, and texture of the skin.


Botox, Injectable Fillers, Eyelid Rejuvenation

This 45-year-old woman is shown before and 1 year after upper blepharoplasty, facial fillers, upper facial Botox, and full-face MesoBotox. As can be seen, one-session of MesoBotox has changed the facial skin quality, lower facial wrinkles, and facial shape that has lasted year and will most likely persist except for the effects of ongoing aging. Dr. Lam has truly perfected full-face Botox treatments to improve wrinkles that could otherwise not be easily treated and to provide total facial balance.