Dr. Sam Lam - Lam Facial Plastics, Plano, TX


Dr. Sam Lam - Lam Facial Plastics, Plano, TX

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Natural, Passionate, Specialized.

"I see every patient with an artistic eye"

Blepharoplasty/Eyelid Rejuvenation

Procedures performed by facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sam Lam in Dallas, Frisco and Plano, TX.



This 68-year-old African-American woman is shown before and one month after an upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty, full face fat transfer, upper lip lift and lower lip advancement and six months after one round of SuperTox.


This 72-year-old Filipino Asian woman is shown before and 3 months after an external ptosis repair of her eyelids, upper blepharoplasty, and fat grafting.  She talks about what she thinks of her results.


This 45-year-old woman is shown before and over two years after an upper and lower blepharoplasty and full-face fat grafting procedure with favorable, sustained aesthetic results.


This 41-year-old Asian woman is shown before and one week after bilateral ptosis repair and fat grafting.  This is an early result to show the nature of the recovery period.


This 43-year-old woman is shown before and four months after an upper blepharoplasty procedure with good aesthetic results.


This 47-year-old woman is shown before and one week after an upper blepharoplasty procedure performed in the office under local anesthesia. The pain is very minimal, and the recovery is very short with this procedure.


This 35-year-old woman is shown before and one week after an upper blepharoplasty procedure done at the office under local anesthesia. She is still swollen but shows how much improvement there is aesthetically as well as how short the recovery time is for this procedure and Dr. Lam’s hands.


This 30-year-old Asian woman gives her a testimonial three months following a lower-eyelid transconjunctival blepharoplasty and periorbital fat grafting/fat transfer with Dr. Sam Lam, Facial Plastic Surgeon in Dallas, Texas.


This 44-year-old patient is shown before, one week after, and one month after her upper blepharoplasty procedure. She also gives a testimonial at one week about her results so far.


This 56-year-old woman is shown before one month after upper blepharoplasty procedure. This is an office base procedure under local anesthesia with minimal pain and recovery as performed by Dr. Lam


This 42-year-old patient is shown before and 6 months after transconjunctival lower-eyelid blepharoplasty with fat grafting to his upper and lower eyelids and temple regions.


This 53-year-old woman underwent a deep-plane facelift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, and fat grafting. She also gives a testimonial 6 months after these procedures.


This 59-year-old gentleman is shown before and 14 months after an upper and lower blepharoplasty, fat grafting, and hair transplant. He gives a testimonial about his results.


This 43-year-old woman is shown before and after an upper blepharoplasty performed in the office under local anesthesia and she gives her testimonial about her results.


This 55-year-old woman is shown before and one year after an upper and lower blepharoplasty and fat grafting with good aesthetic rejuvenation.


This 56-year-old woman is shown before and after an office-based upper blepharoplasty (upper cosmetic eyelid procedure) done totally awake with minimal downtime and discomfort. Look for her video and photos taken at a week to see how fast the recovery is.


This 53-year-old patient is shown two weeks and a half following an upper blepharoplasty (upper eyelid surgery). The procedure was performed awake in the office with minimal discomfort.


Take a look at this 50-year-old woman is shown before and one week after an upper blepharoplasty procedure, and she gives a testimonial about her experience with Dr. Lam.


This 56-year-old patient is shown before and six months after an upper blepharoplasty/eyelid surgery. The procedure was performed awake in the office with minimal discomfort and recovery time.


This 47-year-old female is shown before and six weeks after an upper blepharoplasty/ eyelid surgery.


56-year-old patient is shown before and one months after an upper blepharoplasty/eyelid surgery. The procedure was performed awake in the office with minimal discomfort and recovery time.


The 64-year-old woman is shown before and one year after a deep-plane facelift and a deep neck lift (the latter of which improved the bulk of her neck by reducing the submanidibular glands). She also had a full facial fat grafting and an upper and lower blepharoplasty procedure. She gives a testimonial at one year about her results.


Eyelid Rejuvenation

This 51-year-old woman is shown before and 2 months following an upper blepharoplasty, or cosmetic upper eyelid procedure with good aesthetic result.


Eyelid Rejuvenation

This 38-year-old woman is shown before and 1 month after an upper blepharoplasty (upper eyelid surgery). The procedure was performed awake in the office with minimal discomfort and recovery time.


Eyelid Rejuvenation

This 50-year-old is shown before, 1 week, and 3 months following an upper blepharoplasty, or cosmetic upper eyelid with a good aesthetic result.


Eyelid Rejuvenation

This 58-year-old gentleman is shown before and eleven months after an upper blepharoplasty.



This 57-year-old gentleman gives a testimonial six days after an upper and lower blepharoplasty, full face fat transfer, and periorbital Fraxel laser. He is still in the healing phase with distortion, but this video is meant to show in a video and photographic fashion the nature of the recovery period.


Eyelid Rejuvenation

This 62-year-old man is shown before and 6 months after having his lower eyebags removed. The technique that was performed was incisionless (transconjunctival) not just to avoid a scar but to make sure that his eyelid shape would be perfectly preserved. He also had fat grafting under his lower eyelids to improve the hollowness along with a fractionated carbon dioxide laser to tighten his skin.
#eyebagremoval #eyebagsurgery #lowerblepharoplasty #fatgrafting #fatgraftingsurgery


Eyelid Rejuvenation

This 74-year-old gentleman is shown before and six weeks after an upper blepharoplasty, or upper eyelid procedure, with good aesthetic results.


Eyelid Rejuvenation

This woman is shown before and after an upper eyelid blepharoplasty.


Eyelid Rejuvenation

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This woman is shown before and after an upper eyelid blepharoplasty.


This 61-year-old woman gives her testimonial one month following a full-face fat transfer, upper and lower blepharoplasty, deep-plane facelift, and deep neck lift including partial resection of her submandibular glands, digastrics, and sub-platysmaplal fat. Why do a deep neck lift on a thin neck? Because it allows a better sculpted neck without hollowing out the neck and also the glands would have become visible as two golf balls in the neck after a standard facelift that tightens around these structures. She will continue to show improvement in the coming months.


Eyelid Rejuvenation

Traditional Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty Photo (No Incision Technique)


This 37-year-old African-American female is shown before and seven months after incisionless surgery: fat transfer to the lower eyelids and no-incision eyebag.


Eyelid Rejuvenation

Traditional Eyelid Rejuvenation: Browlift & Blepharoplasty Photo


Chin Augmentation, Eyelid Rejuvenation

This gentleman is shown before and after upper eyelid surgery, transconjunctival (no-incision) lower eyelid surgery, periorbital laser, fat transfer, and chin augmentation. He declined having a neck lifting procedure at this time.


Eyelid Rejuvenation

Traditional Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty Photo (No Incision Technique)


This 57-year-old Asian gentleman is shown before and after periorbital fat grafting and lower eyelid transconjunctival blepharoplasty with good aesthetic results.


Eyelid Rejuvenation

Traditional Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty & Fat Transfer Picture


Eyelid Rejuvenation, Primary Facial Fat Transfer, Corrective Facial Fat Transfer

This 54-year-old patient of Dr. Lam is shown before and 6 months following an upper and lower blepharoplasty and fat grafting around the eyes.


  • Facial Fat Transfer

This 52-year-old Asian woman is shown before and one year after fat grafting with upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty.


This 57-year-old patient of Dr. Lam is shown before and one year after an entirely incisionless surgery: fat transfer to the upper and lower eyelids and no- incision lower eyelid blepharoplasty along with lower-eyelid CO2 fractionated laser, and micro liposuction of her jowls.


This 68-year-old patient is shown just one week after a facelift, fat transfer to the face and hands, upper and lower blepharoplasty (cosmetic eyelid surgery), and lower-eyelid laser.


Chin Augmentation, Eyelid Rejuvenation, Fat Grafting

This 34-year-old patient is shown before and three weeks after a lower blepharoplasty, fat transfer, and chin implant.


Primary Facial Fat Transfer, Eyelid Rejuvenation

This 44-year-old patient is shown before and seven months following a fat transfer and upper & lower blepharoplasty.


Rhinoplasty-Nose Job, Primary Facial Fat Transfer, Eyelid Rejuvenation

This woman underwent a facelift, rhinoplasty, facial and hand fat graft, and upper blepharoplasty and is shown before and after her procedure.


This 49-year-old female is shown before and two weeks after incisionless surgery: fat transfer to the lower eyelids and no-incision eyebag removal.


Fat Grafting, Chin Augmentation, Eyelid Rejuvenation, Facelift/Neck Lift

This 53-year-old female is shown before and ten months after deep-plane facelift, chin implant/augmentation, lower eyelid procedure/blepharoplasty, full-face fat transfer, and perioral dermabrasion.


Eyelid Rejuvenation, Facelift/Neck Lift, Corrective Facial Fat Transfer

This 48-year old patient is shown eight months following an upper and lower blepharoplasty, fat transfer, and deep-plane facelift.


This 51-year-old female is shown before and almost four months after incisionless surgery: fat transfer to the lower eyelids and no-incision eyebag removal.


This 44-year-old patient is shown before and eight months after a rhinoplasty, lower-eyelid blepharoplasty, and fat transfer around the eyes and a small amount of microfat transfer to her lips. For her rhinoplasty, she had a dorsal hump reduction, nasal bone slimming, and tip refinement using lateral turn-in flaps, a caudal septal extension graft, and nasal sill reduction, among other techniques. Her lower-eyelid procedure was done without an incision (transconjunctival) and fat was also placed into the upper eyelid and brow as well. She did not want to have a dramatic difference for the lips but a subtle augmentation. Microfat involves purifying the fat to make the result smooth and the recovery fast.


Fat Grafting, Eyelid Rejuvenation

This 36-year-old African-American female is shown one week after incision-less surgery: fat transfer to the lower eyelids and no-incision eyebag removal.


Fat Grafting, Eyelid Rejuvenation

This 48 year old woman is shown before and 1 year after upper and lower blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), full-face fat transfer, lower-eyelid fractional co2/erbium laser, and had two months of Dr. Lam’s skin brightener treatment.